Hemophilia Treatment Centers

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Hemophlia Treatment Centers
Comprehensive care is coordinated health care for persons with inherited bleeding disorders through a family-centered approach by a multidisciplinary team. The team can include specially trained physicians, nurses, social workers, physical therapists, orthopedic surgeons, infectious disease specialists, dentists, genetic counselors, nutritionists, and educational consultants.
Comprehensive care focuses on the physical, emotional, social, educational, financial and workplace impact of bleeding disorders on the person and family. The comprehensive care team collaborates closely with the patient’s medical home (primary care provider) within their community.
Studies have shown that patients with inherited bleeding disorders who have their care coordinated through a comprehensive bleeding disorder center live longer and healthier lives than those who receive care from a hematologist alone.
The HFM & Johns Hopkins Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) Partnership
Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore is home to the only Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) in Maryland. At Johns Hopkins HTC, adult & pediatric patients with Hemophilia and/or other bleeding disorders are provided comprehensive treatment and management of their bleeding disorders by adult & pediatric Hematologists, physical therapists, HTC coordinator/nurse practitioners, and social workers. Maintaining and supporting this vital resource is fundamental to the mission of HFM.
Contact the Johns Hopkins Hemophilia Treatment Center Team:
Rubenstein Child Health Building
200 North Wolfe Street
Room 3083
Baltimore, Maryland 21287
Appointment Line: 443-997-5437
Please call at least three months in advance of your next desired annual visit.
Medical Director: James F. Casella, MD
Nurse Coordinator: Kim Drucis, RN, MSN, CPNP
Tel: 410-614-0834
Social Worker: Beth Merz, LCSW-C
Tel: 410-614-0833
Additional Local Hemophilia Treatment Center Partners
* 4 year HFM Exceptional Specialty Pharmacy Partner
Tony Tezak
Phone: 717-480-8008
Evelyn Tezak
Phone: 717-557-6004
HTC 132, Region III
Washington, DC
Hematology Program Lombardi Cancer Center
Division of Hematology/Oncology
3800 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20057
Medical Director: Craig Kessler
After Hours: 202-687-7243
Ask for hematologist on call.
Dr. Gary Kupfer
Nurse Coordinator: Michelle Cha
Social Worker: Leah Kramer, LICSW
HTC 131, Region III
Department of Hematology/Oncology
111 Michigan Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Rockville Clinic
9851 Key West Avenue
Rockville, Maryland 20850
301-765-5400 or 800-787-0243
Medical Director: Michael Gurrera, MD
Nurse Coordinator: Elle Levy, RN, MS
Social Worker: Marissa Zanno
After Hours
Pediatric After Hours: 202-884-5000
Ask for the hematologist on call.